One cannot prepare you for motherhood. There’s truly just no way to fully understand it until you have immersed yourself in it. To be completely honest, I knew I wanted to have children (I am the youngest of 5) but I just never really knew at what point I would feel ready to “start trying”. Hunter and I have had the privilege of experiencing so many wonderful places and cultures and had so enjoyed life with just the two of us for 7 years and I just wasn’t sure I wanted that to change. I didn’t read any parenting books or really watch much on becoming a mother besides the obvious lemause class that we just watched for free on youtube because of covid.
Fast forward today now that I am on the other side of it, I can say wholeheartedly that I have never experienced this type of joy before and am so in love with our little guy I can’t even stand it. Ira was born in Santa Barbara, which lets be honest, I think it’s pretty cool that he has that on his birth certificate and I’m writing this as he’s about to be 1 years old. Even typing that out is insane.
Looking back though I wanted to reminisce on his first month of being earthside. Those first two weeks of being home from the hospital were truly this strange magical time that I can’t quite put into words. Yes, it was hard with the lack of sleep and the crying and all the adjusting to breastfeeding and my body healing and Hunter and I trying to figure out how to do this whole parenting thing. But it was like we had been placed in this little utopia where we just got to love on our baby and look at him all the time and get all of this uninterrupted time with each other as a family of 4 now (we can’t forget about Aspen of course.) I am so grateful for that time that we got as a family and wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
People ask “ Oh can you even imagine your life without this little one” and honestly yes, I can still imagine it and remember everything from before but bringing a little one into this world has given me a brand new perspective and I have a feeling that he is going to teach us a whole lot more than we are able to teach him right now.
Here are a few of my favorite things that helped get me through those first few weeks!

- Best Diapers Ever!
- This tuppy tod cream!
- Docatot
- Kickaroo Changing pad
- Laundress baby detergent
- Spectra Breast Pump
- Baby Bjorn Bouncer
- Wildbird sling
Additionally, check out my Mama/baby shop here!
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