Back in June of 2019 Hunter took on a new job working for a company as their marketing director. We had just bought our home in Colorado and so he worked remote for a year. We were going out to Santa Barbara (which lets be honest, is not a hard place to visit), and after a year of going back and forth we figured it was time to make the move out to Southern California.
I was not kicking or screaming and was definitely excited for what was to come.
Being 5 months pregnant and in the middle of the pandemic, moving was not the easiest thing to do but we wanted to make sure we were all settled into our new home when the baby came. So we packed up all the things and started making the drive west…being on the side of the road and all due to not wanting to come anywhere close to a gas station bathroom mid covid while being pregnant.
All of that to say, we rented a 1/1 and going from owning your own home with plenty of space and land to a 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom rental spot with a baby on the way was quite a change, but we welcome it as we were excited and what all was ahead.
Ira’s crib has been in our room since day one and it has worked for us for the time being. There are definitely days when I look forward to the day that he will have his own room but I’m sure looking back we will cherish these times when we all got to be together. I’m trying to not wish it away to quickly as I know that day will be here soon.
Okay, now on to the cleaning. It is an every minute challenge for sure, especially in such a small space with a pup and a baby who is getting in to everything. Hunter and I both work from our kitchen table and our kitchen, living room and dining room are basically all one room so we are all up in each others space a lot.
Here is a breakdown of how we keep things clean…most of the time.
- We vacuum every day!
- Before we go to bed every night we do all of the dishes and start the dishwasher so tat everything is clean in the morning.
- Tidy up at night once Ira goes down so that when we wake up in the morning we dont wake up to chaos.
- Laundry(use the laundress detergent…trust me!) can feel like a lost cause because it feels like we are doing it every day and I know some people have certain days they do laundry but it’s just all the time in our house. If Ira isn’t getting something dirty then most likely Aspen is so the washing is just going at all times. This quote has never rang more true than now. “ How to stay on top of laundry with a kid. You can’t. Find a new dream.” – The Laundress
In the end, have grace for yourself and your spouse and know that you are not alone in the every day constant cleanup!
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